Monday, May 20, 2013

Innies, Outies, Innies to Outies, Outies to Innies

This question reigned supreme all day long.  No one seemed to know for sure.  Some of us (me) even learned that the knot is not what is left near the skin. The bellybutton seals itself and makes the rest fall off within a few weeks of birth.  I presume the knotting is done away from the body as a temporary closure while the body does its natural thing.

Please feel free to add comments and links to correct and clarify.
Anyone have any stats on whether females have more innies or males have more outies?
Does any one know any stats on how many of us have innies vs outies?

A young girl came by and asked this.  She was hoping her outie would've turned into an innie by now but it hadn't.  I think she said she was 11.

An hour later, someone walked by and offered that his did indeed change from an outie to an innie although I didn't catch the age when.  So maybe it will still happen?
I think a pregnancy will only change an innie to an outie, not an outie to an innie, yes?

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